Annual Church Events

Apple Butter Day
In October, the smell of apple butter fills the air in Rush Hill. The church women are stirring apples, cinnamon, sugar and other ingredients outdoors in special copper kettles. The result is delicious apple butter. Look for this luscious conserve at the church bazaar or from any church member. Look for the exact date and time as October approaches on the calendar.
The Turkey Supper and Bazaar
Held before Thanksgiving in November, this event is a long time community favorite. Good food, hand made craft items, and candy, candy and more candy. Umm, Umm. What could be a better way to kick off the holiday season? Come early. See you there. Look for the exact date and time as Thanksgiving approaches on the calendar.
Hanging of the Green Service
This service is fast becoming a favorite at our church. This is a service that the youth group came back with after visiting a church in Springfield, MO on one of their winter weekend trips. This service is held the first Sunday of Advent. Come and enjoy the service as the entire sanctuary is decorated for Christmas during the service. Look for the exact date and time as we approach Christmas!
Christmas Program
The weekend before Christmas is usually the time selected for the Rush Hill Community Church Christmas Program. Enjoy the Christmas story of the Birth of Jesus Christ as told by our talented youth. Santa Claus usually finds his way to the church some time during the evening as well. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar and then make plans to join us.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service
On Christmas Eve at 10 P.M., the church celebrates the Christmas story with candlelight, music, and communion. This is a quiet, reflective service that is executed by the youth of the church. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar and plan to join us! Winter Bible Study Starting in January, the church has a bible study at the church. It is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. in January, February and March. Past studies have included Romans, Corinthians, Daniel and Revelation. Also, we have recently done topical studies such as “Discernment”, “Born again” and others. Look for the study topics and dates on the calendar later and plan on joining us.
Playing every other Tuesday and Thursday, folks from 8 to 60 come to the new fellowship hall for exercise and fun. Not much skill but a lot of laughs are had as we play non-competitive volleyball. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Community Soup Supper and Card Party
Another new event that started last year was a community soup supper and card party. On the first Saturday in January, February and March, people of all ages from the community paid a $1.00 for soup and homemade desserts. After the meal, while the kids played basketball and other games, the adults played progressive 10 point pitch or other board games. Come and enjoy the fun. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Lasagna Supper
In February, the youth group delights us with a lasagna supper. This is a fund raiser for their weekend trip that they take in March. Complete with homemade lasagna, checkered tablecloths, music and candlelight, you will enjoy a delicious meal and charming service. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Youth Group Trip
The Youth Group and their families take a late winter trip in March to some nearby city to enjoy the sites, stay in a motel and swim in an indoor pool. Then, on Sunday morning as a group, we visit a local church. What a blessing these trips have been the past several years. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Chili Cook-Off
In March, a new annual event is quickly becoming one of the favorites, the Chili Cook-Off . The cook-off and pie auction is held to raise money for the youth mission trip that the Junior High and Senior High School Students and Advisers go on every summer through Group Work Camps, Inc. People bring all kinds of chili to be tasted and voted on as their favorite chili in the following categories – Original, Hot, White Chili, Most Unusual, and Non-Traditional . Just listen to some of the chili’s we have seen; Peanut Butter Chili, Chocolate Chili, Craw-dad Chili, Antelope Chili, Cherry Chili along with some traditional chili’s that will re-define ‘ohhhhhh, its some good!’ and some that you will say ‘HOT-HOT-HOT’. The finale of the evening is the pie auction with pies made by the kids who are going on the mission trip being put up for auction. All of this is free and donations are accepted to help send these kids on these wonderful trips to help and serve the less fortunate. Look for the date and time on this fun and important event.
Maundy Thursday / Good Friday Services
These services are alternated from year to year. These are beautiful heart felt services that prepare our minds and souls to celebrate Easter. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Easter Sunrise Service
At 6:30am, you will see our church full of wide-awake Easter worshipers. Coming into the church with the sun just coming up gives you the feeling you are among those first disciples walking to the tomb and finding that Jesus has arose from the dead. After the service, in the new fellowship hall, enjoy a nice big breakfast. Plan now to join us for this special service. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Church Picnic
For the past several years the church has enjoyed a church wide family picnic at the beautiful century old home and farm of Dave and Lorene Sublette. In recent years, it has been held on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Fun with softball, volleyball, basketball, horseshoes and more is then followed with a carry-in dinner. What a blessing this event has been and several pounds have been gained. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Vacation Bible School
The date of vacation bible school in recent years have been the beginning of August. For the past two years with the use of the new fellowship hall, VBS has been a special blessing. Over 50 children in 2006 enjoyed, “Bethlehem Village”. Watch for the dates and time of the 2010 Bible School on the calendar and plan now for your children to share in this experience.
Youth Mission Trip
During June, many of our church youth along with adult leaders, participate in a mission trip to a location in the midwest. Typically we have two teams each heading to a different city. While on the mission trip the youth get to participate in projects to help those who can use an extra hand with such things as painting, light construction, yard cleanup and other activities. The time is also spent in fellowship with other young people from other communities, enabling our youth to make new friends and do the work of the Lord for those less fortunate.
In October, the smell of apple butter fills the air in Rush Hill. The church women are stirring apples, cinnamon, sugar and other ingredients outdoors in special copper kettles. The result is delicious apple butter. Look for this luscious conserve at the church bazaar or from any church member. Look for the exact date and time as October approaches on the calendar.
The Turkey Supper and Bazaar
Held before Thanksgiving in November, this event is a long time community favorite. Good food, hand made craft items, and candy, candy and more candy. Umm, Umm. What could be a better way to kick off the holiday season? Come early. See you there. Look for the exact date and time as Thanksgiving approaches on the calendar.
Hanging of the Green Service
This service is fast becoming a favorite at our church. This is a service that the youth group came back with after visiting a church in Springfield, MO on one of their winter weekend trips. This service is held the first Sunday of Advent. Come and enjoy the service as the entire sanctuary is decorated for Christmas during the service. Look for the exact date and time as we approach Christmas!
Christmas Program
The weekend before Christmas is usually the time selected for the Rush Hill Community Church Christmas Program. Enjoy the Christmas story of the Birth of Jesus Christ as told by our talented youth. Santa Claus usually finds his way to the church some time during the evening as well. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar and then make plans to join us.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service
On Christmas Eve at 10 P.M., the church celebrates the Christmas story with candlelight, music, and communion. This is a quiet, reflective service that is executed by the youth of the church. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar and plan to join us! Winter Bible Study Starting in January, the church has a bible study at the church. It is held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. in January, February and March. Past studies have included Romans, Corinthians, Daniel and Revelation. Also, we have recently done topical studies such as “Discernment”, “Born again” and others. Look for the study topics and dates on the calendar later and plan on joining us.
Playing every other Tuesday and Thursday, folks from 8 to 60 come to the new fellowship hall for exercise and fun. Not much skill but a lot of laughs are had as we play non-competitive volleyball. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Community Soup Supper and Card Party
Another new event that started last year was a community soup supper and card party. On the first Saturday in January, February and March, people of all ages from the community paid a $1.00 for soup and homemade desserts. After the meal, while the kids played basketball and other games, the adults played progressive 10 point pitch or other board games. Come and enjoy the fun. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Lasagna Supper
In February, the youth group delights us with a lasagna supper. This is a fund raiser for their weekend trip that they take in March. Complete with homemade lasagna, checkered tablecloths, music and candlelight, you will enjoy a delicious meal and charming service. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Youth Group Trip
The Youth Group and their families take a late winter trip in March to some nearby city to enjoy the sites, stay in a motel and swim in an indoor pool. Then, on Sunday morning as a group, we visit a local church. What a blessing these trips have been the past several years. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Chili Cook-Off
In March, a new annual event is quickly becoming one of the favorites, the Chili Cook-Off . The cook-off and pie auction is held to raise money for the youth mission trip that the Junior High and Senior High School Students and Advisers go on every summer through Group Work Camps, Inc. People bring all kinds of chili to be tasted and voted on as their favorite chili in the following categories – Original, Hot, White Chili, Most Unusual, and Non-Traditional . Just listen to some of the chili’s we have seen; Peanut Butter Chili, Chocolate Chili, Craw-dad Chili, Antelope Chili, Cherry Chili along with some traditional chili’s that will re-define ‘ohhhhhh, its some good!’ and some that you will say ‘HOT-HOT-HOT’. The finale of the evening is the pie auction with pies made by the kids who are going on the mission trip being put up for auction. All of this is free and donations are accepted to help send these kids on these wonderful trips to help and serve the less fortunate. Look for the date and time on this fun and important event.
Maundy Thursday / Good Friday Services
These services are alternated from year to year. These are beautiful heart felt services that prepare our minds and souls to celebrate Easter. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Easter Sunrise Service
At 6:30am, you will see our church full of wide-awake Easter worshipers. Coming into the church with the sun just coming up gives you the feeling you are among those first disciples walking to the tomb and finding that Jesus has arose from the dead. After the service, in the new fellowship hall, enjoy a nice big breakfast. Plan now to join us for this special service. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Church Picnic
For the past several years the church has enjoyed a church wide family picnic at the beautiful century old home and farm of Dave and Lorene Sublette. In recent years, it has been held on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Fun with softball, volleyball, basketball, horseshoes and more is then followed with a carry-in dinner. What a blessing this event has been and several pounds have been gained. Look for the exact date and time on the calendar.
Vacation Bible School
The date of vacation bible school in recent years have been the beginning of August. For the past two years with the use of the new fellowship hall, VBS has been a special blessing. Over 50 children in 2006 enjoyed, “Bethlehem Village”. Watch for the dates and time of the 2010 Bible School on the calendar and plan now for your children to share in this experience.
Youth Mission Trip
During June, many of our church youth along with adult leaders, participate in a mission trip to a location in the midwest. Typically we have two teams each heading to a different city. While on the mission trip the youth get to participate in projects to help those who can use an extra hand with such things as painting, light construction, yard cleanup and other activities. The time is also spent in fellowship with other young people from other communities, enabling our youth to make new friends and do the work of the Lord for those less fortunate.